
About Me

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I am a mother of eight and grandmother of four who loves to make and create. Rosemary Hill is the name of our home where we live, work, learn and create together

Monday, 1 February 2010

It's February!

February already! I had a lesson last week about gulls. My Bradley and I went to the beach (as we do) and sat on the jetty. A large gull also sat on the jetty and I had no idea what kind of gull it was so when I got home I googled it. Here in Adelaide we see gulls like the one in the photo above all the time. We call them "seagulls". And we see them all over, not just at the beach. I was surprised to learn that these gulls are actually "Silver Gulls". And the gull who shared a moment with us on the jetty was a Juvenile Pacific Gull. Mr 9 was with me at the computer as I did my research and was drinking it all in. When we went to the beach on the weekend and came across a seagull he marvelled at the silver gull. How easy is it to find out about anything with the internet? It's pretty amazing to have such a resource at my fingertips. If I ever "wonder" about anything - I can find out so easily. This week I am hoping to do some sewing. Tonight I started alterations on Miss 13's new school uniform. It doesn't fit nicely and it's something she will wear a lot so I'm altering the sides, pocket and hem. I have been sewing pies over the weekend and will share some photos soon!


Mary Welsh Hubbard said...

We've always just called them seagulls too. The internet is a fabulously amazing thing!

Leanne said...

I am so with you there. I find it amazing if you want to find anything out just google it. Being dyslexic as I am I love it when it asks "did you mean".

Pip said...

Always just seagulls here too, although I do notice that there are different looking ones.
Gosh February already, time is flying, someone else said that is one twelfth of the year gone already :)

Joolz said...

Well, who knew! I just thought they were seagulls too! I can tell the younger ones from the older ones but that's about it. Good old Google!

Eek, yes February is here already - I am busier than a one armed brick-layer in Baghdad at the moment what with work, home and an exchange student among us. The weather has been pleasant though, hasn't it?

Cheers - Joolz

Levin said...

i have never seen a pacific gull (or at least, i've never noticed them) but this summer i've seen a few.
i love google for the fact that everything is at your finger tips. i also love reference books too - but if we don't have the right book we always google it!