
About Me

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I am a mother of eight and grandmother of four who loves to make and create. Rosemary Hill is the name of our home where we live, work, learn and create together

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Meaning Through Making (It's May!)

It's May! I finished up April with a visit to Adelaide. It was a short, sharp, shiny visit. Two days driving (there and back) and two days visiting (staying with picklesticks). It takes me 9 hours driving to get from here to there, if I really concentrate. Longer if I don't. I don't mind the drive really. It's an opportunity to think. Of course, I do like to distract myself with a talking book or music, but there are times when that gets old and I think. This trip I pondered my last post and the comments I received. You know, expectations of what you will achieve and then the reality. And what was the outcome of all that thinking? Well, despite the fact that I say that finishes are the important part of all this making I do, they're actually not.

Miss 14 making.
For me it is the process. I want the outcome, and I like the outcome, but the process is really what gives me joy. So, as long as I am involved in a part of the process daily, I am happy. And really, that's what it's all about for me. I craft because it makes me happy. The meaning I find through making is happiness. Now that I have worked this out why am I telling you? Well, of late the focus of my blog has been finishes. I want to blog more often. Mostly for me. I love to read myself - vain obviously - it helps me to make sense of things I think, but I just don't have enough finishes to warrant an increase in posts. So my blog's focus has to change. I think my new focus will be making. Just letting you know. Got to get back to my making!


Sarah said...

You sound a bit like me... Yes I dont post much as I have nothing to show for it - but like you said you dont need to always post about finishes...

Pip said...

Spot on Kris, it's the daily process of making something that makes me happy too.

Finishing is like the icing on top of the cake, but before you get to the icing part, you have to get the ingredients, measure them, mix it up, and bake it. I'm off to do some making now.

Lorraine said...

I would never blog if it was just about finishes...LOLOL.....I agree that the making is the best part...and where you have the most fun....lots of memories are embedded in the project along with the stitches....I always remember what I was doing/where I was/who I spent time with while working on a project. I love to spend time thinking when I am driving....but with a three minute commute to work it doesn't give me much thinking time...LOL....If I walked I would get more! (and it would be better for me!) hmmm...will think on that.......

seabreezequilts said...

You right Kris, if I waited until I had finished something I would never blog. It is good to show the process and what makes us happy is the doing not necessarily the finishing.. which is a good thing because there is a lot of unfinished things in my neck of the woods.

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

So very true - I actually love reading progress blog posts - it is lovely to see how a project evolves. Love the pic of Miss 14 creating:)

Shay said...

I post endlessly about my progress. I had to put the Dresden quilt away for a while so I would stop blogging about it because I was afraid you would all start throwing rocks on my roof...

For me enjoyment of the process depends on the project. Sometimes Im itching for a finish and others I enjoy pottering along and doing a bit each day. I like to have one long term thing going on that Im loving and other things Im tasky with and want to see the finish.

I love your posts like this Kris. You make me think about all sorts of things.

Sue said...

This is so funny. I just commented on Tna's blog saying it's the journey that counts - okay, it's been said before but it's true. So many times in your life you pick up the most valuable messages and learning 'on the way' to somewhere, anywhere really.

Chookyblue...... said...

so does this mean your posting the same or less..........if my posts were all about finishes I would have nothing to show.......
Such a starter just not a good finisher.........

Leanne said...

Love that photo ............. bunny sitting watching the crafting. I think you should blog with what you are comfortable with.

Joey said...

toby is so cute!

Rose said...

At uni I keep telling everyone exactly what you just said! Sort of... You must be my mother, because I completely agree, the process and the way I do something always makes happy, it doesn't really matter how long it takes :)

Anonymous said...

Just popped over from Shay's blog and I love this post. For me it's mostly about the process - the losing yourself for a little while whilst your hands are busy. I often joke that I can't hand sew quickly (which I totally can't) but it's more because this kind of tranquility takes over me which is a little bizarre. Sometimes when I get to the end of a project that's been really enjoyable to make I'm kinda sad that it's over. Again BIZARRE!

I can get really caught up in the make it and move on mentality sometimes but I'm trying to let that go. If happiness is a journey, not a destination, then that should apply to crafting too, imho.

Celebrating the end result is part of it, but that can go on for years as you glance at a project and think... I made that :o) but I hope to remember the memories of making it just as much.

Thanks for such a thought provoking post.