The South Australian government have banned plastic shopping bags from May this year. I have started to make some cloth bags to take to the supermarket. I sewed them, but don't think of it as sewing I guess. Then I saw this lovely
post on
Lera's blog. My bags are quite different. My Bradley was unimpressed with them. They were not enough like the "green" bags you can buy at the shop I guess. I have arthritis (yes, at 45!) and find holding bags difficult, so I made mine with long handles which will suit me much better. (Over the shoulder). The fabric is furnishing fabric from Ikea (New Year's sale, $3 a metre) and I will be able to throw them in the washing machine. I think the bag ban is a good idea because there are those of us slackers who would go on using plastic bags just because it is easier. Sad to admit I'm a slacker, but there it is!
Well I'm not a slacker, I just have a memory problem and forget to take mine with me....better do something about that, because I won't be able to get bags soon.I think I spend at least 99cents almost every time I go to the supermarket. Anyway I like your bag and love the fact that you used IKEA furnishing fabric.....$3 a metre....BARGAIN.
I feel guilty about the plastic bag thing too, but we actually use them a lot around the house - I guess that's recycling right? I hope so, because I always feel guilty walking out of the store with a cart full of plastic bags while passing other women carrying their supply of nifty canvas bags from home!
GREAT bag, Kris. Love the stripey-ness.
I have made shopping bags with long handles too - I can carry more over my shoulders.
Great fabric choice. The colours are so fresh and I bet it will wash and wear nicely.
No more plastic bags, what a wonderful initiative from the OZ government!
We have Big recycable bags from the Supermarket that can be used for years and years.
Sorry to hear about your arthritis!
I should dig in my stash and find me some Ikea fabric to make a BIG BAG! Love yours!
Now you can shop in style! I hope the other states follow suit.
Interesting news - WA hasn't gone that way yet, but I guess it will - in a funny way, I hope so - I recycle so hope I don't have to start buying plastic bags - maybe we will still get our fruit and veg in plastic bags, still. Love your shoppping bag!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Great bag Kris and what a great idea banning the plastic shopping bags. Admittedly I get them every week when we do our groceries but then I put them into our recycling bin. Even so the recycling thing is scary at the moment as where is it all going.
Our city has just supplied each home with a lge recycling bin, an organics/green waste bin and a rubbish bin in the hope of helping the planet. I know many of the shops no longer use bags but have similar ones to the green bags , and a lot of shops have gone back to paper.
I wish Victoria would go that way too. I have several bags that I use and really dont need to make anymore just yet but when I do I have this fabric which will be most suitable.
i used to be slack and then i was given one of those roll up bags that stays in my handbag. i have two now, which is just enough for when i do my bits and pieces shopping. i've even managed to get into the habit of rolling them up and putting them in my bag as soon as i've put the shopping away. this is an amazing feat for me :)
i love your bag - i love that it has shoulder straps and it's big and roomy and much prettier to look at than the current 'green' bag. well done
Great bag, much nicer to look at than the "green bags". Methinks I will have to make a trip to Ikea in the near future to see what I can find there. I keep a list of all the things I want from there, sad I know.
take care
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