My Bradley building shade for us. He's great at setting up camp! Miss 13 enjoying the morning sunshine.

Mr 9 on the left and Mr 15 on the right deep in discussion about breakfast.

Yes, it's great to get away from it all! Away from technology and. . . . . . . . . oops! Sprung! Well, we did camp, but I don't do austerity camping. We camp with comfy beds, tables and chairs and the internet! We went camping with friends and this is Miss 23 visiting from Melbourne and sharing all of her new favourite Youtube videos with everyone. (Llama, llama, duck. . . . ) We had a great weekend!
Ha Ha....I love it - "austerity camping".....If I went camping it certainly wouldn't be austerity camping either! Glad you had a good weekend.....the weather obviously knew you were camping and held the rain off until today.....
Oh, yes - 5-Star - my style, too!
Hugs - Lurline♥
LOL! That was hilarious! You do my kind of camping. One year Mark took the generator so we could sneak in some margarita making! I had to stand look out for the ranger while he would quickly run the generator just long enough for the blender to do its thing!
No austerity camping for me either, I like my comfort too much. Even when I was in the military I used to take along quite a few "extras" to make it comfortable.
Camping is so much fun .... haven't been for years, but I'll have to give it a go again one day soon. Sounds like you had a lovely time.
Not being a camper myself that looks quite bearable.
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