
About Me

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I am a mother of eight and grandmother of four who loves to make and create. Rosemary Hill is the name of our home where we live, work, learn and create together

Sunday 3 June 2007

The week that was

I'd like to make an announcement! We were not at home this week because we were on holiday just like Leanne from Leanne's House. This is why no blogging got done and no creating happened at all! What? You want to see my photos? Ummm..... OK, so we weren't on holiday in the Greek islands (like Leanne). Ummm..... We moved, and that's why nothing happened! Hmmm..... Moved like Cherry from Tales from Pixie Wood. You know, from the city to the country - just like Cherry. Ummm..... Well OK! Here's the truth. We did move, but it was within our own house and it took ALL week. Really!!! Just think how we would go making a move like Cherry! Nine people and all their stuff! It doesn't bear thinking about. Our twins, Lucy Lou and Katie are the best of friends and have shared a room all their lives. This has worked most of the time, but as they are getting older it's becoming more difficult. I love that they are friends and want them to stay that way, so this week we had to make an unscheduled room swap so they could remain friends. This involved moving five people and a big sacrifice from Giant Joe so that LucyLou and Katie could have their own rooms. It was a big job. Oh! The cupboard above was in our "old" room.
Another view of my kitchen cupboard that lives in my bedroom.
This, finally, is photographic evidence of my mother's day gifts. The stitchery above was created by Murray. She planned and designed this and then stitched it without me even knowing! I was so surprised. The postcard below was sent to me for mother's day by Picklesticks.

These are my other postcards I made from 5 inch squares I had from a fabric club. I love the middle one - it's a shark net! I am keen to make fabric postcards so that if I want to send one at a moments notice, I can. Well, roll on next week! Maybe more creating will happen then!!!

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