
About Me

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I am a mother of eight and grandmother of four who loves to make and create. Rosemary Hill is the name of our home where we live, work, learn and create together

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Painting (on canvas not walls)

I haven't done any more on my quilt back. I stood looking at my cutting table and thought I would tidy my sewing room instead of cutting out. What a surprise! (Considering how much I love cutting out!) My sewing room is quite trashed so it's taking a while to tidy. It's good to get things straight.

And that's what Miss 15 did to Miss 17's hair last night. Miss 17 has curly hair and usually just lets it be. Once it was straight we had to take a photo cause it's soooooooo much longer straight! (She looks so different too) I think she wins the award for the longest hair ever at our house. Maybe. I guess Miss 21's hair could be longer. She's been overseas for about 6 months now and I'm not sure how long her hair is.

To the painting. For many reasons I haven't painted in a long while. It's kind of to do with time and space really. Last year Mrs 23 wanted to go to a painting/collage course and I went with her. It was full-on, but fun. And this was the result. Mine didn't look anything like anyone elses! I can't help it. I'm a sucker for those bright colours. It was actually a very creative time and my head was full of all sorts of ideas. I went home with grand ideas to produce more work, but just never did. I found this painting whilst doing the sewing room tidy. Maybe this year I'll paint some more. Maybe.


Anastasia said...

im a very curly gal and i just love love having my hair blowdried straight...when my hairdresser does it I cant believe how long and smooth it is!!

Rose said...

Speaking as a completely un-opinionated third party person in this matter... You should consider Miss 17's hair to be longer then Miss 21's hair. It's only fair on Miss 17 to do that because it's not often she wins at anything. Plus, Miss 12 has bangs... Enough said.

Life's little stuff said...

Such gorgeous hair. I'm envious. I think mines too scared to come passed my shoulder LOL

Obviously the pic doesn't want to hide anymore and needs to be hung up! : )

Happy untrashing