
About Me

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I am a mother of eight and grandmother of four who loves to make and create. Rosemary Hill is the name of our home where we live, work, learn and create together

Tuesday 24 May 2011

My Interest?

Mother's day Roses courtesy of Katie

Has been completely captured by pinterest. It's really just a place on the web to keep all those photos you love best in groups. You can also look at what others love best and group together. It is a visual feast and I love it.

I was having a bit of a slow ho hum kind of day today and this afternoon after realising that I haven't accomplished anything today I figured I would just spend the rest of the day pinning things on pinterest. If I haven't done anything worthwhile I might as well have a lovely time, right? I spent a couple of hours doing just that. (The first time I had ever heard of pinterest it was a comment from someone who claimed it was a time thief. This is true. For me it equates to playing simcity, a game I love but rarely play because it vapourises time before your very eyes. I remember having a new baby, feeding the baby, playing ten minutes or so of simcity and the baby being ravenous again. I wondered what was wrong with the baby and then realised that the ten minutes was actually four hours and ravenous was exactly right. Since that epiphany I have rarely played simcity, but I don't have babies now so I figured pinterest might be a bit of fun!) Then I had to do some chores (picking up the daughter from school, picking up the car from the mechanics, you know the sort of things) and now it's not working! So much for my time waster! Maybe I might just get the old simcity out.......


Sarah said...

DO NOT tell me of any time sucking stuff!!!!

WIll go check it out tonight (wink)

Pip said...

Not going to look, I waste too much time already just playing Solitaire of Mahjong.

Miss Hillbilly said...

I have absolutely NO time for a time thief. Oh dear...