
About Me

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I am a mother of eight and grandmother of four who loves to make and create. Rosemary Hill is the name of our home where we live, work, learn and create together

Saturday 24 November 2012

It's a little quiet here at my house...

I know Rose will never believe it, but it's quiet here at my house. I think she had forgotten how noisy a house is when there are more than two people living there. I think all the noise and excitement while she and Molly were here was entirely due to their visit. They are both home now, enjoying their own spaces. (Never a truer word was spoken than when Dorothy said, "There's no place like home.")




So quiet! Not even any of this kind of noise that we had three weeks ago. I might get back to the sewing table now!


Shay said...

I always feel like my house is super quiet when there is just the two of us here. I much prefer it when it's noisy and filled with family!

Lotti said...

I'm guessing that you loved the noise given that you had your grandbabies at your place.