
About Me

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I am a mother of eight and grandmother of four who loves to make and create. Rosemary Hill is the name of our home where we live, work, learn and create together

Thursday 9 May 2013

It's been an interesting week...

the sky near my house
 ... I have been reading lots of posts about how grateful Northern Hemisphere people are for spring this week. They feel a rejuvenation and a liveliness that was missing from their lives this past winter. They have been lovely posts, I have enjoyed them! I have been having a thoughtful and introspective week as I ponder my life. (Not my life as such, but what I am doing - if you want to get technical) I have come to the conclusion (and there haven't been may of those in this introspective period!) that we humans need change because I am loving the autumn days we are having here with the same passion that others are loving spring. The days are so much shorter and I love to feel that chill in the air. It is rejuvenating certainly! Aren't we lucky to have both long days and short days? To be able to feel both the warmth of the sun and the bracing winds on our skin. Change is what I am looking for I think.

a fountain in Hobart


thea said...

What kind of change are you thinking about ..

Lorraine said...

I love that we have seasons and the change that they bring. I love to change things around in my house..change my mind...even change clothes occasionally! and for the most part change (even when it is thrust upon us without notice) is good..mostly :)

Anonymous said...

i hope you find what you are looking for Kris.xx

Shay said...

I agree with you Kris. We humans do need change, even if its just the weather. Life would be boring if everything constantly stayed the same.

Suzanne said...

I am so ready for Spring here in Utah (USA). This has been a long, cold Winter for us. I am ready for long warm days...Enjoy your crisp Fall weather.