
About Me

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I am a mother of eight and grandmother of four who loves to make and create. Rosemary Hill is the name of our home where we live, work, learn and create together

Monday 4 January 2010

Yes! It's January 2010!

I did plan this post for January first, but I just didn't get that far. Yes! It's January! 2010! Last year I didn't really get around to making any goals for 2009. I was determined to set some for 2010 because I think I really would have done more in 2009 if I had set goals. I think I was a little scared to set some of the goals I had in my head. Sometimes being scared really holds you back! One of the goals I have set myself is to get my blog tidied up a little and get some of my goals established in the sidebar of my blog.
Remember this bag? (See post here) I made it to keep my Pies and Tarts BOM in. Well, I have been working on the pies and tarts over the Christmas break and needed some more storage space, so made some drawstrings bags.

The larger one for the pies, and the smaller one for the tarts. The original bag is a brilliant work bag. (I love it!) So portable! And now I have somewhere to put the pies and tarts when I am not working on them.

The pies in progress. I have almost finished the first month's worth. (Not that impressive since I already have the third month at my house!) I am enjoying creating these pies and am getting better at them. I'll be an expert by the time I finish this quilt.

This is what I'm up to with the tarts. Not much! I have them tacked to the paper pieces, but that's as far as I got. I will wait a while before putting these together. I would like to mix the fabrics up a little. That's the pies and tarts progress update! Check back soon for more 2010 updates!


Anonymous said...

Looking great, keep working on it.


Mary Welsh Hubbard said...

They are such cute blocks! Now see, this is how I get into trouble. One of my New Year's resolutions (AGAIN) was to spend less and finish more. And now look! You've made me want to buy some fabric and make a quilt like yours. No, I don't want to use what I have - I want new fabric like yours. Sheesh, thanks a lot! Why can't you make something ugly for a change?! Happy New Year! :O)

Leanne said...

Your pies and tarts is looking good. Love the little labels.

corry said...

Pretty polkadots pies..yummy! You have a lovely bag to keep them in!

Anonymous said...

I love that bag fabric!!! Great choice.