
About Me

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I am a mother of eight and grandmother of four who loves to make and create. Rosemary Hill is the name of our home where we live, work, learn and create together

Tuesday 23 September 2008

When the 7 year old cuts hair.

Mr 19 came home from work on Saturday and asked who wanted to cut his hair. Usually he has at least one willing volunteer, but had no luck with his request. When Mr 7 realised that no-one else was going to pip him to the post he volunteered. Miss 11 took some photos to immortalise such an historic event.

Mr 7 got out a step ladder and began cutting. He completely looked like he knew what he was doing. I guess he had watched me and his older sisters cutting hair dozens of times and he had all the actions down pat. Of course, what he didn't have was the stamina to endure to the end of the haircut. (Generally he doesn't even have the stamina to sit through his own haircut!)

So Mr 19 went on with the haircut and got a sister to help him finish off. That's what happens when the 7 year old cuts hair. It's fun for a while and then you get to finish it off yourself!

1 comment:

Lotti said...

That hair cut ......what a wonderful job for a 7 year old. You do a better job than me!! Hey even if you didn't finish it off.....good try.