
About Me

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I am a mother of eight and grandmother of four who loves to make and create. Rosemary Hill is the name of our home where we live, work, learn and create together

Monday 1 September 2008

Stitching September!

This is the bag I carry my stitching around in. It was made for me a long time ago (Probably 10 years ago.) by Mrs 24. It has fantastic pockets inside and really fits a lot of stuff in it.

It's September! I'm running out of 2008! It's quite a wintry day here, my best kind of day! I am still in bed (now my secret is out! My laptop is kept by my bed!) having finally given in to this cold. I have been laying here thinking. About grey clouds and windy days (why do I like them so much?). About 2008 slipping away so quickly (how is it that it is going so fast and why am I not doing more of what I want to do?). And about September. I've decided to rename it "Stitching September" and I'm going to "stitch" every day this month. I'm using the word "stitch" in the broadest sense of the word. I will spend a significant time this month embroidering, but any old sewing will classify as "stitching" for me this month. This idea has brightened my day significantly and I'm going to get up in a minute. Let the stitching begin!!!


Leanne said...

What a good thought luck with that.

Louise said...

I hope all this stitching is making you feel a little brighter today. It is nice to be tucked up in bed at times like this with needle in one hand and laptop in the other! x

Sarah said...

This sounds real good to me!