
About Me

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I am a mother of eight and grandmother of four who loves to make and create. Rosemary Hill is the name of our home where we live, work, learn and create together

Sunday 1 December 2013

I'm so tired… (it's December, and other impossibilities)

this quilt again. still working on it. no idea where it is right now. in a box?

I'm off for a nap in a minute (it's ok, I'm a nanna - well, a "Ma" - and I am officially allowed to do nanna naps) but I just thought I would quickly blog about the impossibility of today being December the first. I often think about blogging, but then something else takes my attention and the day slips away. So, here's the blogpost right now. Photo and all!

Today is Joseph's birthday. He is my third child and it was a hot day the day he was born. Today is overcast and showery, a real contrast, just like my boy. He was 10 pounds and 10 ounces. That was very different from child one and two. He was a boy. Different from the girls. And he was born with blonde hair which made him look very different from his dark haired sisters. He was quite a shock to the system, but a wonderful shock. Now he is a grown up, with a wife, a mortgage and a dog. Another impossibility. (Can I really be that old?)

Today's theme seems to be impossibilities. Here's another. It seems impossible to me that my sewing room will ever be organised and operational. The only cheerful bit about that statement is that today is full of impossibilities so I quite expect it to happen at some point. Off to nap!


loulee said...

December seems to be a reflective month, no matter which side of the planet you live on.
You know, my youngest is called Joe, he was a December baby. The smallest of the lot and has a shock of RED hair! He'll be 18 in just a few days, how time flies.

Lorraine said...

December is my month! :) It is always a busy time and before you know it it will be gone and a whole new year with all its possibilites (or impossibilities) will stretch out before us...I could do with a nanna nap right now!

Janine said...

hi Kris
How did Molly? (not sure if i have that right) go finishing at Highvale? Sorry i never got to say good-bye from Melbourne! Such is life!!