
About Me

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I am a mother of eight and grandmother of four who loves to make and create. Rosemary Hill is the name of our home where we live, work, learn and create together

Friday 2 May 2014

I finished it!

Last Friday night I crocheted like a demon and finished this rug! It's hard to believe that it took me so long to blog about it, cause here it is Friday night again.

Every week is so busy at my house. We have two girls at Uni this semester. They are back into it this week after a teaching break which means lots of trips to the bus stop. We are twenty-five minutes drive from the bus stop so there is lots of driving. One of the reasons we moved back to South Australia was to be with our grandchildren more and we have our grandson sleep over every Sunday night. That means that Monday is a very busy day here. This past Sunday we had our grandson and his two sisters sleep over. They don't like to miss out so occasionally we have them stay over too. They are so much fun!

It's so nice to have a finish! I am still working on the Anna Maria Horner quilt. I'm keen for another finish. I have a pile of quilt tops just begging to be finished so I see a lot of quilting in my future!


Shay said...

Nothing like spending time with your grandchildren to exhaust you. I usually have to take nanna nap when I look after little P -where do they get all that energy from?

Loving your crochet rug Kris. It looks gorgeous. Now on to some sewing so we can see more brilliance from the sewing room!

Lorraine said...

Great finish on the rug! Keep quilting that quilt - I can't wait to see it finished! I am hoping for some sewing time this weekend!